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The 3 Tribes leaders should build on LinkedIn

engagement followers linkedin profile personal branding tribes Jun 14, 2022
How leaders can get more LinkedIn followers by building tribes

Outstanding LinkedIn leaders build 3 LinkedIn tribes, and you should too.

Tribes are like-minded audiences that reciprocate engagement, and they’re critical to follower growth. Why? The way the LinkedIn newsfeed works. 

Commenting on posts isn’t just an engagement tactic - it gets your face and name in the feeds of people who aren’t following you, yet. Commenting creates visibility.

Visibility creates followers. 

Tribes are ¼ of the follower growth recipe. It’s not jargon like it sounds, so have a read. 

Tribe 1: Your team and employees

The LinkedIn algorithm promotes posts that receive likes, comments, clicks, in the first few minutes after they’re published. After posting, immediately send the link to your tribe and ask for likes/comments. 

  • Email it to your direct team
  • Post it on internal company social networks
  • Share it on Slack, Teams and WhatsApp groups
  • Push it through internal newsletters

For your direct team, ask them to do the following:

  • Visit your post right away and hover over it with their mouse
  • Clear “see more”
  • Click like, and add a comment
  • Click on your profile

All of these clicks send signals to the algorithm that the post is valuable, and increase virality.

More clicks = more visibility = more followers = more business results.

It sounds tactical and in the weeds, but these small things make a big difference.

Power move: publish on the same days/times so it becomes routine to followers and Tribe 1.

Tribe 2: Peers and customers

Ask your team to build a list of 1) customers 2) prospects 2) industry influencers 3) media 4) like minded peers with similar followers.

Follow them all. Spend 10 minutes in the morning scrolling your feed and adding valuable comments. 

I guarantee you’ll learn more about your customers scrolling LinkedIn, than reading Forrester reports. 

Not only will this generate visibility/followers, but:

1) they will reciprocate and a real relationship will form

2) you’ll learn more about customers and what's on their mind

3) your newsfeed will improve, and will display the content and people you’re interested in

You can’t spare 10 minutes building customer relationships by clicking buttons from your phone? 🤔

Tribe 3: Power influencers

Make a list of power influencers who are relevant to your business. Find 10 who have 20k+ followers. 

These folks get thousands of eyeballs on their content, and so will your comment, if you make one.

Here is the hack 

Visit their profile and hit Follow, and hit the Alert (bell icon) in the top right corner. You will get a notification whenever they post. 

Be one of the first to comment and you’ll get big exposure = followers. Also do this for Tribe group #2! You should have an alert every time a customer posts.

Join my tribe

If you’re a business leader, or work in thought leadership, comms, LinkedIn, B2B marketing, or related, DM me and hit the alert on my profile. Let’s build a tribe and help each other grow.


Tribe 1: circulate your post immediately to your team and employees

Tribe 2: follow customers and engage with them

Tribe 3: follow influencers, hit the notify button, and be the first to comment.

Visit my profile, ring my notify bell.


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