Whitepapers are dead, LinkedIn is the successor
May 11, 2022
Debate what you will about thought leadership formats. The jury is out - they're largely whitepapers. And becoming obsolete.
Markets are moving too fast to push them out while staying relevant. And communications channels are too transparent to ghost-write blogs.
This means content creation and distribution needs to get 1) faster and 2) more personal.
But let’s agree on the goal. Creating trust and demand generation, correct?
Personal equals trust, trust equals revenue
Your business is people-led, and trust drives revenue.
But you hide your subject matter experts behind whitepapers with long-winded corporate crafted by ghost writers. That can’t be effective in building trust.
It’s hardly personal, or fast, or differentiated.
Okay so step back and think about the people you trust most and would buy from.
Odds are you know them personally in real life, or have been exposed to their work so often it feels like you do. For example, an author. Or you heard them speak in person and their energy and words were damn convincing.
If that makes sense, we can conclude that a recipe for trust is:
1) be as human as possible (in-person, voice, visual), and build real relationships.
2) show up every day, and share personal expertise consistently.
If only there were technologies that could help with this.
LinkedIn is a daily keynote speech to thousands
It’s a prestigious business conference that all your customers, peers and employees have tickets to.
But it’s absolutely criminal how most blue chip companies are using LinkedIn - to spam articles and promote company awards.
Your leaders could be giving the keynote speech, but you’ve opted out, and so your employees are handing out flyers at the door.
Businesses are being built single-handedly on LinkedIn. It is literally the one channel your customers come to willingly, every day. And yet somehow it has been largely underestimated and bucketed under social media marketing.
There is a tremendous business opportunity at hand. And those leaders that understand this fast will win.
Your strategy for crushing LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the new thought leadership; always on perspectives from leaders. Micro-content that builds trust and demand for your business and its people. Here are two simplified ways to get started.
- Get your people to start sharing their real perspectives on their market, customers and on leadership, every day.
- Create hero content like a video podcast. Interview leaders and customers. And use this to fuel an absolutely endless supply of text, audio and video content for leaders and corporate channels.
Don't use links and don't try to move your audience off the platform. Create content they can consume in the feed.
Aside from thought leadership, you’ll build long-term rapport with your clients, through exchanges that took 30 seconds by clicking buttons on your phone.
It is the only channel you can create and distribute content, and build a loyal following, and converse broadly with customers, and privately, and listen to customers, and stay relevant - all while showing leadership to employees and peers.
Posting on LinkedIn is modern Thought Leadership in 2022+.
You're not too late to the LinkedIn party
99% of your competitor’s people aren't posting daily on LinkedIn. Yet.
It was launched in 2003 and yet you can still have first movers advantage. That's nuts.
LinkedIn is literally a living, breathing channel for real time, personal, human, trust-worthy thought leadership, in a format that your customers want. Time to get moving.
I can help.